The field of spintronics is an emerging technology that exploits the intrinsic spin of the electron. The goal of MaHoJeRo is to combine the leading key players in the field into an international research network. Such a tightly knit network will yield better results than a large number of loosely connected individual researchers.
The focus of the activities of MaHoJeRo lies on joint meetings, visits and longer research stays (secondments). MaHoJeRo can fund secondments for PhD students, undergraduate students, postdoctoral research fellows and staff from the participating institutes in the field of spintronics.
On a scientific level, the MaHoJeRo consortium provides the know-how that allows to propose a unique combination of theoretical calculations, development of advanced materials, measurement and characterization techniques and development of devices. This will lay the foundations necessary to understand the underlying physics and provide the basis for competitive IT devices.
On the educational level, the concept of research-oriented education will be applied to spintronics to provide high-level multi-facetted scientific and complementary education and training directly coupled to the performance of research capable of advancing the frontiers of the domain. This scientific and research training will be broadened by complementary technical, business and cultural actions designed to provide highly skilled but also rounded individuals for the future. Also MaHoJeRo targets for joint degree programs (PhD and Master).
To achieve the described highly ambitious aims of research and education, the necessary thorough experience and expertise is not localized in a single place and not even in a single country. Thus groups from a leading German research university, JGU Mainz, combine their expertise with groups at leading foreign academic institutions including Tohoku University (Sendai, Japan) and Seoul National University (Seoul, Korea).